
Sunday, 5 August 2012

A nice match~


刚刚看来一场很精彩的羽毛球比赛, he tried his best on the match.. and he is our proud.. so when saw those ppl post about becoz of his lost, we no holiday / ice-cream etc etc.. really feel like want beat them =_=" and say real.. when u saw his sad face while take the awards.. oh my... really so heart pain >"<

anyway, had to accept the fact. at least, he gave us the best match we ever had, and is a real history / hero for us, proud of him! Also, another thing need to mention is, he is having hurt, so still can play until so nice, what to say? SALUTE!!

then.. let's talk about my new hairstyle? hahaha..

想做很久了,只是没想到在这种尴尬的时候去做了。可能也是一种决心吧?哈哈~ 惊吓程度 - 还不错,hans竟然说远看认不出是我?很多人都惊讶我把它剪的那么短了。其实感觉还不错下,我竟然可以在等我朋友appt 时,在车上装可爱玩自拍,还ok嘛,可以骗下人,好像年轻好几岁了呢~ 哈哈~ 只是也很多人说,看起来蛮呆的,因为没有染发的关系?期待星期二上班时会有如何的惊吓了~ 朋友更建议我说,上班try穿连身裙,会看起来更不一样~~ 只是我在想,要玩到酱大嘛?咔咔咔!只是,不要问我zomok会剪那么短,我真的只是纯粹要好好保养我的头发。。我可不想变botak阿~~ 他/那件事,可能只是属于一种推动力而已阿~ 因为朋友说要给我‘重生’,就敢敢拉我去做了~~ 

然后,给朋友载着到处趴趴走,终于了解了作为一个property agent的工作。不错的经验,顺便吃了免费榴莲buffet,哈哈!蛮晚回家的,只是觉得自己真的蛮大胆,用papago一个人就从出发到巴生,lolz! 


p/s: 考虑着要不要把那装可爱照片公诸于世?觉得有点paiseh的说~ 哈哈~

1 comment:

  1. 你就放吧!!!!我还没看!!!!
